The plant's performance of maintenance and modernization of the main equipment of energy facilities requires careful study and preparation of its own production in accordance with the technological requirements set by customers. The plant's designers and technologists, working in close cooperation with engineering services, are capable of solving problems across a wide range of activities:
- technical and technological support of major repairs and modernizations of the main equipment of power plants carried out by the plant;
- development of technical projects for the modernization of individual components of turbine, rotating and general station equipment of power plants;
- participation in local design work on a subcontract basis, when the basic part of the project is carried out by specialized general designers. Examples of such organization of work are projects for the technical re-equipment of power plants, the construction of new energy facilities, the installation of new main and auxiliary equipment;
- implementation of projects for the modernization of automatic control systems for turbines with their transfer to modern EHDS turbines, which are carried out, among other things, at the request of manufacturing plants for new turbines;
- development of technical and technological documentation for carrying out repair and installation work, manufacturing energy spare parts, equipment, special devices, special equipment and special tools both for the production needs of the plant and at the request of customers.
Over the years of its production activity, the plant has independently developed more than 150 large technical projects for the modernization of the main components and systems of turbines for 78 modifications of turbines manufactured by various manufacturing plants.